Do I need gutters?
Okay, so I need gutters; what do I do?
How much do gutters cost?
Other Gutter Facts
Granbury has an average annual rainfall of 36.87 inches, 8.72 inches greater than the national average.
One inch of rain can yield approximately 600 gallons of fresh water per 1000 square feet; a 2000 square foot roof in our area could yield up to 44,244 gallons of fresh water every year!
Even on hot, dry days, gutters help by providing an extra bit of shade on walls, doors and windows to help reduce heating from direct exposure to the sun’s rays during critical hours of the day.
A single foot of 5” K-style gutter can hold up to 1.2 gallons of water, or 10 lbs.
A single foot of 6” K-style gutter can hold up to 2 gallons of water, or 16.7 lbs.
A 50-foot piece of aluminum gutter can “grow” or “shrink” up to one-half-inch when exposed to temperature differentials typically experienced in our area.